Thank you!

A heartfelt thank you to all who expressed your sympathy and sincerity as we said goodbye to Mārtiņš – sharing your thoughts, bringing flowers, praying, playing music and supporting us through your thoughts and actions.

We are moved and surprised by how deeply and broadly Mārtiņš touched people.

For his final resting place, Mārtiņš chose the “pauper section” of the Limbiķi Cemetery to be buried alongside the people whom he had served. On the day of his funeral, the sun was shining and the mourners brought a sense of unity and sanctuary to this place. But the very next day a cold wind was blowing and a frost had nipped the flowers we left on his grave; a harshness and bleakness had returned. We want to believe that our love and care are still with Mārtiņš, protecting him and providing him warmth. We want to believe that he is in God’s loving hands.

In all likelihood, Mārtiņš knew how difficult his passing would be for us. That is probably why he charged us with fulfilling his last wish – erecting a statue of Jesus with open arms in the Limbiķi Cemetery as a symbol of hope and compassion. We very much hope to realise this project by Mārtiņš’ birthday and that on August 27 we will be able to celebrate and commemorate him here with you.

We will continue to publish your memories and updates on the statue project on the website.

Gita, Tabita and Toms

Attēls: Kapi nākamajā dienā

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